Hunger In Watauga County
Too many working families in Watauga county live one unforeseen expense away from hunger. For many others, their working years are behind them, and their fixed incomes have not kept up with the cost of living. In our county, 20% of residents live in poverty. 1 in 5 children is food insecure, as well as 1 in 7 adults.
Did You Know?
Watauga County is the 3rd poorest county in the state of North Carolina. 37% of the children attending Watauga schools qualify for the National Free and Reduced Lunch Program.
SOURCES: Feeding America 2019 Map the Meal Gap Report, North Carolina Justice Center’s Budget and Tax Center Economic Snapshot Facts (June 2019), NC Summer Food Service Program Data (2018), NC Department of Public Instruction Nutrition Services Free and Reduced Student Data (2017-2018)